Advance Teddy Bear Workshop - "Happy" February 9, 2019 14:24

 New Advance Workshop for experienced Bear Artists/Hobbyists!

We are pleased to introduce our very first Advance Bear Workshop ~ "Happy" 10 inch Teddy Bear.

This is an Advance Workshop for experienced bear artists training to improve and discover new techniques to apply on their Teddy Bears.

In the 3-day workshop, we will cover tips on improving your bear-making process, learn new techniques such as creating an open mouth, how to apply locline armatures on the limbs, a new way of setting eyes, needle-sculpting on paw/foot pads and making an epoxy clay nose.

*Please read before signing up -
- NOT suitable for beginners
- Students must have attended our Intermediate Maxi Bear Workshop, or show/email us their latest bears to determine if they are suitable to join the class. (We will not be covering basic sewing, jointing techniques etc. Students are required to pre-sewn all their bears before attending the class.)
- Colour & fur of the bear will differ from the poster.

Course Fee: $600 / pax (Includes all materials)

- 23, 24 & 31 March (2 seats left!)
- 4, 5 & 8 April (3 seats left!)

Time: 11am - 6pm

To register, kindly email to

Full payment needs to be made before class commences to secure your seat.